The Jews are some of the most hateful birds on this earth and “we the people” did not invite them into our countries. The fact is…the writers of these fake, unwarranted, unprecedented laws are the ones that truly are the haters. There is a time to hate and there should be no laws in these matters. The quintessential question is “Who gets to determine what hate speech is”? Is hate not a part of our lives just as love is? Why of course it is.
If I were to ask you the question of what hate speech is, most people would have their own ideas of what it is or isn’t. Hate speech is a good example of this subject matter.
They have made Talmudic laws that have nothing to do with the indigenous populations’ will or wishes. The Jews come into our countries and they want to take all of our rights away.
I had spent literally thousands of hours bringing important information to the people and this is how they shut me down. Ladies and Gentlemen, Jew Tube has closed down my channel.
An Investigation Into The Apostle Paul’s Gospel. Gold mining is crucial here, and should be commenced early.Īfter Iken, it’s on to Heh (Semna) or Bubastis. Bedouins also have a go at you here – I was attacked from the west, in the centre of the map. Water-borne troops will land well away from the main island, so should not prove much of a problem. Kushite armies that attack you as a result of this will invade from the south, either by land or water (check the Empire Map to see which). Ignore it and your kingdom rating will rise. Kerma will also demand 6000 copper from you – this request is only a pretext for an attack, and it s not serious. In return, you’ll receive granite and copper. It’s worth noting that the demand for beer which comes in year 3/4 only gives you 2 months to comply, so it will pay to get stockpiling early. Pharaoh will demand figs, beer, copper and weapons. Byblos, Sawu, Waset and Kerma will all trade with you as the scenario goes on. Lots of trade routes open if you play your cards right. Attacks, requests, extortion…Iken seems to have everything.