Bridal shower games division of labor
Bridal shower games division of labor

bridal shower games division of labor bridal shower games division of labor

The winning team is the first to guess 10. They get 60 seconds and if their team can't guess it right, then the other team gets a chance to guess. Have them pull a phrase from the bowl and then set the timer for them to draw it out. How to Play: Divide the group into two teams. You'll also need a white board with markers or an easel to draw on. What to Prep: In a bowl, place slips of paper that have different wedding-related phrases on them (tossing the bouquet, going to the chapel, always a bridesmaid and so on). The Gist: Just like the original, only wedding-themed. As the host, you're in charge of asking all the questions, and the team or person who gets the most answers correct is the winner. How to Play: You can form two teams or just keep it simple and give points to each individual to yell out the right answer. (Hint: The annual The Knot Real Weddings Study has plenty of data to use.) What to Prep: Look up interesting wedding facts and figures and write them out on separate pieces of paper. The Gist: Exactly what it sounds like-a true test of each guest's wedding knowledge. Give them time to work on the puzzles and grade them toward the end of the party to find out who wins. How to Play: Pass out pens and a puzzle to each guest. Print out the puzzles-one for each guest-and grab some pens. Then, create a custom crossword puzzle using those words (look for free online sites for help). What to Prep: Come up with 10 to 15 questions about the couple that can be answered in one word. The Gist: A personal spin on the classic word puzzle. After everyone has contributed, the guest of honor should read the final piece aloud to the group.

bridal shower games division of labor

Once that player writes their line, their job is to fold the paper over so only their sentence is revealed to the next player. For example, "Tess and Toby met at the office." She then passes the piece of paper to the next player, who writes a line to follow that one. How to Play: The host starts it off by writing a line at the top of the piece of paper about how the couple met. What to Prep: All you need is pen and paper for this one. The Gist: Each guest gets their chance to exaggerate the "story" of how the couple met and fell in love. To get the full effect, record a video of her partner's answers and play back the responses to each question for everyone to see and hear (allow a pause between each question or record each question and answer as separate videos). How to Play: At the shower, ask the bride the same questions and see if she can answer correctly.

Bridal shower games division of labor